Sunday, 20 October 2013


Evidence of my Film Camera Usage.

So a couple of weeks ago I decided to give blogging a proper go.  I loved editing my pictures and writing about my trip away.  It was then I made a promise to myself to keep at it.

I posted that over a week and a half a go. Uh Oh Mollie!

My Excuses:

I've just started Uni
I am already panicking about running out of time to finish my projects that are in for January...
Every single image I have created so far at uni has been on 35mm film

I am currently experiencing 'Photographers Block'

I have been editing my video to go with my next 'planned' blog for about 57 hours and counting
Everytime I get round to writing a post I always seem to need to go eat food or get ready for work (like now)

This tinker keeps putting fake spiders in my drawers and behind my door....

I think every blogger will agree that its never easy when you first start out, especially with barely any followers or comments.  However, I am determined to share my photography life on here!  This is therefore a promise to myself in writing that I will blog more often.  

I went to a few photography exhibitions in London a few days ago.  Pictures coming soon!

What helps you keep on top of your blog?

mollie rose xx

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