Sunday, 19 January 2014

'They Used To Call Me Piggy'

I recently shot some 35mm black and white film of my little Brother Oli.  I was responding to Corinne Days set 'Fifteen'.  A beautiful set of images capturing Kate Moss in her early teenage years.  I loved how she captured the emotion and highlighted the innocence in her images; particularly through the use of black and white.  Therefore, using my 9 years young cheeky-monkey-of-a-brother decided to recreate this simplistic idea.

Whilst doing this, it brought me back to last spring when I captured a set of images inspired by the book 'Lord of the Flies'.  This was a planned documentary piece which I would normally not be too interested in, but keeping my mind and style open I decided to give it my best shot.  

I decided to scan the images to gain a more 'grungy' effect that I believed would fit well with the theme of the photographs.  I also experimented with the images, creating polaroids, painting and scribbling on them.  Inspired by Robert Franks beauty of a book; 'Storylines'.  

I presented this set in a newspaper I created at  You can view and download my newspaper as a PDF here.  I was blown away with the printed newspapers and believe the web version really does not do it justice.  It made me realise how important hard copies are whilst wrapped up in a whirl of technology that is slowly but surely taking over the world...  Personally I believe the prints suit the documented style of the images, especially with the worn, grungy effect.

Here are a few of the images pre scribbles and scanning...

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Oli's freckles...

mollie rose xx

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